Sustainability of food and beverage packaging

Easily digested sustainability

Interested in reducing the environmental footprint of food and beverage packaging? Here are some ideas for you!

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Renewable and recycled – also in the food and beverage industry.

Plastics have indeed sparked a revolution in the production, storage, and consumption of food and beverages. However, the mismanagement of plastic waste and growing concerns about its environmental impact are overshadowing these benefits, making sustainability a pressing issue in this industry.

Companies are facing increasing pressure to report and take responsibility for their carbon emissions, especially those in their supply chains. Shifting to plastics made from renewable and recycled materials can help reduce these emissions and make the plastic value chain more sustainable.

Within this context, our brochure spotlights a traceable solution to this pressing issue, introducing Neste RE as a more sustainable alternative to fossil feedstock for food and beverage packaging. Neste RE comes without compromise on durability and safety, catering to a wide array of applications while aligning with the industry's sustainability goals.

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